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10 Ways to Optimize a Landing Website Page

Optimizing a landing page is more than just adding bells and whistles. It involves good planning. Try the 10 tips below for better results:

1. Simplicity can sometimes communicate far better than a page packed-full of data. Overkill of content all on a page confuses a reader and blurs the direction of sight. A simple, clean format can instead direct a reader to specific menus or links while still including key SEO optimization in the actual content used. This tip is harder to implement than it sounds, however. It takes some planning to pick the right content to convey a good message, so thinking through first produces better results.

2. Always identify what the landing page is and where the reader is located in the website. Some landing pages try to obscure the real reason for the website, just focusing on trying to convert to a sale. Defining what the landing page is and for who provides clarity and allows a reader to understand the page better.

3. Don’t rely on crazy, forced gimmicks to get a reader’s attention once on the landing page. This includes those annoying popup windows, chat windows, service windows and just about anything windows. In addition, some landing pages rely on special effects, forced video and music to enhance the visit. It’s a waste of time; most readers are annoyed by anything that "takes over their computer" without their permission. Instead, give readers a choice to initiate videos and similar with obvious links on the landing page, but don’t make their play automatic.

4. Offer multiple ways for a reader to click through to a desired action. Too often landing pages only include one link for a reader to follow-through for a sale or more information. Instead, put the links in multiple places so they are easy to find, including the top and bottom of the landing page.

5. Track any information that a reader is will to give. Use of email capture, reader data capture, blogs and comment sections and similar all allow for the ability to get reader information. Registration forms for free information usually capture a number of readers since people like free stuff. This can then be used for followup marketing, newsletters, email blasts and more. It’s also important to track reader statistics. Paying attention to what is creating more traffic on a landing page is important for its success.

6. Make sure that the followup page related to a landing page with data entry is complete and gives the reader some more ways to follow up for contact, sales or whatever is expected in terms of action. Too often landing pages have a data field, get entry, and then dump the reader off on a simple thank you page with nothing else. Follow through with more offers and materials, and a landing page system can generate more actions, one after the other.

7. Test, test and test again. If you think your landing page is complete and has everything it needs, always have another party look it over. All the links should be tested to make sure everything works as intended. Not doing so means a reader can potentially find a mistake, turning the person off. Also, have folks read your web page while physically watching their eyes. This will give plenty of advice on how people see a web page what information they process first. It’s easy to tell; their eye direction versus the landing page layout will give away what is being looked at first.

8. Learn from other landing pages to get new ideas. Don’t just stick with one type of landing page. There’s no harm in finding good ideas from other websites and using them.

9. Keep the landing page design as evergreen as possible to make it long-term in use. Many businesses find they still get sales or information and contact submissions from old landing pages because new readers keep finding them. Consider a good, evergreen page a permanent fishing net; it’s always on and functioning even when everyone else is asleep.

10. Never assume any landing page is perfect. There is always room for improvement, especially as readers and customers change their tastes regularly. Creating new features on a regular basis helps attract old and new readers versus boring them.

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