
Social Media: Analytics You Can Use to Boost Your Page’s Performance

Web designers can use a variety of tools that track how people use a website, how often they visit certain…

The Multi-Channel Funnels (MCF) and Some Essentials

To give you better marketing performance in a simple and innovative approach, Google Analytics has set up the Multi-Channel Funnels…

Why Conversion Reports Vary For Same Social Site?

A very frequently faced complain about Google Analytics is the unmatched number of social conversions for an indifferent site, showed…

Exit Pages vs Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate is the number of visitors that land on a page/site and leave before navigating any further. Exit Rate is…

SEO Analytics – 4 Ways To Improve ROI on SEO

  Modern marketing methods allow you to track your ROI at every step of a campaign. Long story short, if…