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When you are building a website, before you do anything else, you should understand what keywords you are going to build your website around. This is good SEO practice.

Search engines look for keywords that best describe the webpage being indexed. Before you build your website you need to know what people are searching for and what words they are using. When you are planning your website you need to set in stone a three-word phrase and a four-word phrase that you will use consistently to describe your service on your website. You will also need to know the other keywords you will use consistently.

  1. Go to the Google Keyword tool (
  2. Use the search function to find all the keywords related to your industry. You should put in as many terms in the search box as possible. Ideas for this are
    How to do something in your industry
    Find the lowest prices for your industry
    Reviews for your industry
    Product names
    Alternative products
    Industry names.
  3. Look for keywords that fit your business, or keywords that are closely aligned to what you do.For this we will use a case study: Bondi Pilates. We would search for words related to; Pilates, Bondi Pilates, Pilates excersize, where to find pilates, how to do pilates, Australia Pilates.
  4. Once you have found all the keywords you can, save the results in a spreadsheet, so the data is easy to manipulate.
  5. You then need to sift through the results and remove the keywords that don’t relate to your business, in this case Pilates, or the content you are producing. You should look for the keywords that are closely aligned to your business.
  6. You then select the top 10 keywords based on monthly searches. Based on the results, for our case study, we want to build content around the following keywords;
KeywordMonthly Searches
pilates yoga90500
pilates reformer90500
pilates exercises74000
pilates classes60500
pilates studio60500
pilates workout60500

Common keyword groups to include in your research;

  • How to, guide, help with,
  • Locations, make sure you include country, state, region and town
  • All words that are used to describe your industry specifically, it might be accounting, finance, tax.
  • Any activities associated with your industry such as excersizes, classes etc.

Once you have your groups of keywords, try to use them as much as possible. This includes in links, as headings, as well as the content of the page.


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