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Hotel SEO/Adwords

Here are some brief statistics about the importance of adwords and SEO for hotels.

Half of all online travel purchasers indicated researching exclusively online
–Friends, families and colleagues were the most-used offline sources to learn about hotels
Half of hotel shoppers reported using search engines in their research
–Online clickstream behavior indicated that a third of hotel shoppers are referred by search to a hotel website
Price was the leading reason for why consumers booked on a specific hotel website
–Receiving rewards/points was also a strong driver
Higher costs per night and longer stays increased the length of time consumers spent researching hotels online
–The share of researchers using online sources also increased for longer hotel stays
Nearly a third of hotel shoppers indicated viewing an online advertisement during their research process
Booking online was the most dominant channel
–Only 1 in 6 bookers indicated booking over the phone or in person
Hotel bookers are using fewer travel sites to conduct research than year-ago levels indicating more focused shopping activities.

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