Below are 11 quick marketing activities you can do to increase sales right now! Best of all they, mostly, will not cost you a cent. If you like what you see here, use the contact from below and we will contact you for a FREE 30 minute marketing check up.
1. Define who you want to sell to. At least define who you want to sell to the most. Buld a package around this service or product. Know the ins and outs, how much does it cost you, including packaging, shipping etc to make that product. Work out how much these customers are worth for the lifetime of their patronage. You should be allocating about 10% of total lifetime revenue from clients to marketing activities.
2. Develop standard marketing templates that anyone in the organisation can use to promote your product/service. Have these readily available on the web. The more people that can be a sales person for your company the better. If you have suppliers, make sure they have all your latest marketing material. If you have wholesalers, make sure they can empower their sales force.
3. Testminonials. Ask your most loyal clients for a testimonial of about 3 sentences in length. Ask if you can use this on your website and if you can use parts of it. Also cut it down to 10 word pieces for use in marketing materials. Testimonials are the most powerful part of your marketing arsenal. If you can get your clients to tell you what you mean to them, then you are half way to winning over their hearts. If you win over a customer’s heart, then their head will follow.
4.Finders’ Fee. Allocate a percentage of each sale to a finders fee or referral fee. It is no shame to say thankyou to current contacts that bring you business. Some clients have no use for finder’s fees or cash payments, so treat them to something else. Take your client sky-diving, wine tasting, rally driving. Use these incentives on the back of business cards to promote your business through existing contacts. Also make sure you ask for referrals, if you don’t ask, you wont get.
5.Use your clients in your marketing. Use co-operative marketing by placing a reference to your clients on your website. Ask them to do the same using your pre prepared 30 word/30 second pitch. The more links you have back to your website the better.
6.Create Brand Ambassadors. A program we have found works well is allowing your customers to try products for free in return for writing reviews about them online. Get your customers to be honest and real about your products. Negative reviews could be good for you because you will both learn about what clients don’t like and you will also have the perception of not manufacturing that comment. Not all publicity is bad publicity and just having people talk about your products can be enough.
7. Develop a network of companies that sell products in the same space. Offer referral fees and conduct joint marketing exercises. Some of our clients who wholesale have come together in partnerships with other non-competing wholesalers to produce a joint newsletter. They all promote each other’s products to show a broader range, a stronger message and increase their reach.
8.Give people/yourself a voice. Allow students/schools/community groups to use your premises/expertise/products for free. A lot of community groups and colleges need space and people to provide services and information. Just being able to help or offering help can sometimes open a company up to new opportunities.
9.Make it easy for people to buy from you. Allow for sales to occur over the phone, over the web and in person. Make sure your website has a space that people can purchase easily. It does not have to be eCommerce, but at least they can tell you what products they want in what colours and you can contact them for the rest of the details. All your marketing should have a strong call to action.
10.Give people a guarentee and risk free options. Make it an easy choice for people to purchase products from you. Allow people to return in 30 days no questions asked. Allow people to take 30 days to pay. The less risk a person has in trying your product the more likely they are to buy.
11. Meet people and companies outside of your comfort zone. The wider your spread your brand, the more people will talk about you.
Creative Development want to give you more help growing your business. For a FREE 30 minute marketing discussion with an experienced professional, you can call us on 0416 360 814, email us at in**@cr*****************.au, or fill out the contact form below.
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