Click Through Rate

Clickthrough rate (CTR) is calculated by dividing the total amount of mouse clicks on an advert divided by the percentage…

WordPress Security, an overview

Over 14.7% of all internet domains (over one million websites) and 22% of all active domains run on WordPress.  The…

WordPress Hacked?

Had your wordpress website hacked? We have been helping a lot of businesses overcome this problem, so we thought we…

Top 10 Alternatives to Adwords

Google AdWords is the best known pay-per-click advertising solution available to webmasters. However, the rules are quite stringent on what and…

What is Bounce Rate?

Bounce rate refers to the percentage of internet users who visit a particular webpage only views one page and then…

adwords management company

adwords management company Google AdWords is a real time advertising platform on a massive scale, 24 hours a day, seven…

Your rank is not what it seems. 5 ways Google personalises search

Google tailors all search results to the user. Pretty much, unless you are using a completely clean computer, freshly installed…

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